BS EN ISO 9001: 2015
Scope of Approval:
The Provision of Quantity Surveying and Cost Management Services to the
Construction Industry
We at The Woodley Coles LLP are committed to Quality Assurance, the maintenance of BS EN ISO 9001:2015 and its implementation throughout the company. The benefit to our customers derives from our partnership approach and embraces a set of joint values which underpin our commitment to achieve a ‘right first time’, ‘on time’, ‘every time’, overall quality performance.
We are committed to continually improve the effectiveness of our overall business operating processes to meet the needs of our customers, stakeholders and other interested parties and ensure we satisfy their requirements at all times. Furthermore, it is our aim that all of our personnel within our organisation maintain customer focus and strive to supply products and service which exceed our customers’ requirements and expectations.
To achieve our aims we will:
- Set improvement objectives and ensure the provision of adequate resources for their achievement.
- Train and develop all our people to ensure they have the necessary skills to facilitate the achievement of our policies and objectives.
- Communicate our policies and objectives throughout the organisation and ensure they are understood and implemented.
- Monitor and regularly review our objectives and achievements and ensure that both they and our policies remain relevant to the needs of our customers and our business as it continually evolves.
- Maintain customer focus at all times and implement effective systems and procedures to monitor levels of customer satisfaction and take immediate and effective action to address any and all concerns.
Approved by members:
Steve Coles BSc MRICS Chris Norris BSc (Hons) MRICS
Partner Partner